corker of tennessee tweeting with the foreign relations chairman at the end of our show. he wrote, quote the failing new york times set liddle bob corker up by recording his conversation. was made to sound a fool, and that s what i m dealing with. the new york times reporter then posted the audio of corker saying his staff was reporting the conversation and quote i hope you are too and without correspondent peter baker writes, if labeling mr. remarker liddle, the president was evidently returning to a emthat. he considered mr. corker after last year s election reportedlied to associates mr. corker at 5 7 was too short to be the nation s top diplomat. yesterday they brushed off corker s comments that trump s aggressive rhetoric could lead to world war iii. mr. president, is senator corker right to claiming you are on the path to world war iii? we were on the wrong path before.
representing donald trump. he s representing everybody in this country, what does that say, and how does that help the trump administration? that s the question that i have. when you have a secretary of state, it s very clear his tenure is going to be measured in months, not years. yeah. if that. he s going to he s out of here. and so, you know, the president has a problem. and he s making it worse, all because of his personal grievance with rex tillerson. and of course, when they keep coming out and saying how much confidence he has in him, that demeans the role of press secretary and whether we can believe what she s really saying when he says that. david, it also continued today with senator corker. the president coming out today with a tweet, the failing new york times set liddle bob corker up by recording his conversation. was made to sound a fool, and that s what i am dealing with. just to be clear, though, corker told the new york times his aides were recording the c
to china, let the chinese government know and kissinger s revered in china. of course. says i m the guy, i know this, everything is okay, meets with xi jinping, the next day when trump got that phone call with the taiwanese president. kissinger was incensed, undermined, he came back, but ultimately trump is still the president, kissinger is going and talking to him. let s see what comes out of that meeting. stand by for that. ian, tony, both of you, liddle and big, great to see you. next time put you around the same table to really get in a fight. coming up stunning new details we are just getting in about the las vegas massacre. police now say that the shooter attacked a security guard minutes before he turned his fire on the crowd below. this is a change in the timeline than what police originally thought. what does this change about the investigation. we will go live to las vegas. we will be right back.
new york times set liddle bob corker up by recording his conversation. was made to sound a fool, and that s what i m dealing with. look, the concerns behind the scenes at the white house among top officials, hallie, is that the president is dealing with a lot of things right now. the crises in north korea, tensions with iran, of course, we expect him to unveil a new iran policy later on this week. these are people he needs in his corner. of course, the secretary of state of a bob corker as well, are these feuds making his agenda more difficult, complicating what he needs to do as commander in chief? in addition to that big lunch he has with secretary tillerson and defense secretary james mattis, he s also going to be sitting down with former secretary of state henry kissinger. so a lot here to unpack at the white house, hallie. kristen welker, a busy day for you, my friend. see you in a little bit. first, to mount pleasant, south carolina, where garrett haake just talked to another
realize that, you know, that we could be heading towards world war iii with the comments that he s making. the president, remember, was quote/unquote not finished with corker according to a white house official and tweeted again this morning, this, the failing new york times set liddle bob corker up by recording his conversation was made to sound a fool and that s what i am dealing with. well, he s also dealing with this, from a fight with a member of his own party to more tension with a member of his own cabinet, the president planning lunch today with secretary of state rex tillerson. insert your favorite food fight joke here because i couldn t come up with a good one. this, of course, comes after the report surfaced that a frustrated tillerson had called his boss a moron over the summer. just this morning trump is firing back in a new interview with forbes magazine, asked about the moron report, trump said this, i think it s fake news but if he did that, i guess we ll have to