/PRNewswire/ As wildfire seasons increasingly intensify and threaten homes across California, FortressFire, a pioneering force in wildfire analytics and.
been running around talking his book but today he s planning to cash in on his government service in a much more swampy way. it was reported by axial semantics has joined the group a massive advisory firm started by another former defense secretary william cohen. here s how the group describes some of its services quote, understanding and intervening to beneficially affect political legislative and regulatory issues including shaping public policy debates, maneuvering derogatory processes for development of standards and regulations securing public sector funding. also known as lobbying. it s quite the fall from grace for mad dog mattis to swamp dog lobbyist but worse than that, it s not even lobbying for american interests but here s the aerospace and defense page of the cohen group s website amongst other triumphs on behalf of its clients it lists assisted u.s. and indian firms to develop a partnership to manufacture military arrow structures in
been running around talking his book but today he s planning to cash in on his government service in a much more swampy way. it was reported by axial semantics has joined the group a massive advisory firm started by another former defense secretary william cohen. here s how the group describes some of its services quote, understanding and intervening to beneficially affect political legislative and regulatory issues including shaping public policy debates, maneuvering derogatory processes for development of standards and regulations securing public sector funding. also known as lobbying. it s quite the fall from grace for mad dog mattis to swamp dog lobbyist but worse than that, it s not even lobbying for american interests but here s the aerospace and defense page of the cohen group s website amongst other triumphs on behalf of its clients it lists assisted u.s. and indian firms to develop a partnership to manufacture military arrow structures in