A guaranteed retirement and while bad Business Decisions and corporate belt tightening are being taken out on retire on the retirement future of g. E. s workers their c. E. O. s well they theyre still doing quite well not only to g. E. Shell out a 10000000. 00 golden parachute to its last c. E. O. The new c. E. O. Mr culps new 4 year deal signed just a year ago could net him as much as 21000000. 00 a year. My friends i think its safe to say that its a good watch or the whole. You. Want to. Treat the sick like you are real that this would seem. As if you were to fly out of. Touch with the day like you but i got. The police. To. See how. Well the watch of the hawks i am i robot and im taffeta lawless oh gee golly gee gee its interesting as we were talking earlier about this the 1st time i really understood why really got why corporate conglomerates were a bad was during a stint in the mid to late eightys and was when you had mentioned that g. E. Bought n. B. C. And David Letterman famous
Tightening are being take it out on retire on the retirement of g. Ds workers their c. E. O. As well in a there are still doing quite well not only did g. E. Shell out a 10000000. 00 golden parachute to its last c. E. O. The new c. E. O. Mr copes new 4 year deal signed just a year ago could not have as much as 21000000. 00 a year. My friends i think its safe to say that its a good start watching the whole. The for. Real that this would be. As good a part of. The day like you got. With. The. Well the watching the hawks i am a robot and im tafel and oh gee golly gee. Its interesting as we were talking earlier about this the 1st time i really understood why i really got why corporate conglomerates were a bad it was during a stint in the mid to late eightys and was when you had mentioned that g. E. Bought n. B. C. Yes and David Letterman famously kind of rest on that and you know we showed up but you had to think about toaster ovens and part of what he was making a point of saying even tol
Lots of hey malika. Lots of beautiful familiar faces. Lots of beautiful new faces. Welcome, everybody. Were just super excited. This is our monthly town hall so were really excited and of course, were on track. We havent skipped a single month so weve kept up with our promise the beginning of our term, one a month. This is our 9th town hall and many communities weve participated. In. Before we get started acknowledge everyone our staff thats worked so hard putting this together. Like to acknowledge them. Michelle, mabel, mary belle, daniel, noreen. There we go. And marcus, sorry, marcus is live streaming. Sorry, im forgetting everything. Okay. And we have Translation Services here today. So we have our American Sign Language interpreter here for anybody that needs it we also have the poly translation has not arrived. If you need it, feel free to raise your hand and our staff can make sure that you get the Translation Services available. That being said, hello, everyone. Hi. Hi. Good ev
The end of reconstruction to world war ii. Im very happy to be here today. I want to be an introduction of our panel. We have a very tight timeline. I want to try to control our panelists. I want to make sure we have adequate time for everyone. When you get to five minutes left, i a fiveminute card here and i will lay it up so you can see it and you can see where you are. You have time for everyone. Catalyst introduced all at once people with their first panelist who is john f polk. He received his phd in mathematics from university of delaware. In 1979. He served three he is retired from a 45 year career as a scientist and Senior Advisor at Research Collaboration at the u. S. Army research laboratory. He is currently the clan historian for when polk international and publishes short articles on Family History and the clan newsletter. He has published two books on historical topics, beyond the polk family of the chesapeake Eastern Shore in the colonial era. That was released in 2015. W
A good way. But to make sure that we have adequate time for everyone. So when you get to five minutes left, i have a fiveminute card and i will lay it up so you can see it and then three minutes and one minute so you can see where you are. So we have time for everyone. Im going to introduce each panelist as they come forward, because i found if you introduce them all at once people forget who they are. So i will begin with our first panelist who is john f. Polk. He received his ph. D. In mathematics from the the university of delaware in 1979. He served three years in the army, including a tour in vietnam. He is retired from a 45year career as a scientist and Senior Adviser of International Research collaboration at the u. S. Army research laboratory, aberdeen proving ground, maryland. He is currently the clan historian for clan pollock international and publishes short articles on Family History in the clan news letter. He has published two backs on historical topics, beyond damned qu