The accident was a result of entry into clouds due to an unexpected change in weather conditions in the valley. This led to spatial disorientation of the pilot resulting in a Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT).
The Tri-Services Court of Inquiry constituted to probe the cause of the Mi-17 V5 accident that claimed the lives of late Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and his wife and 12 other military personnel onboard on December 8, has ruled out mechanical failure and said that entry into clouds led to the spatial disorientation of pilot leading to the accident.
The December 8, 2021 Mi-17 V5 accident was a result of entry into clouds due to unexpected change in weather conditions in the valley, according to the Tri Services Court of Inquiry.
The Tri-Services Court of Inquiry into the Mi-17 V5 accident, in its preliminary findings, ruled out mechanical failure, sabotage, or negligence as a cause of the accident.