Stabilize and support the financial system, support and rescue. Its moving quickly. On the ground, it is grim. 22 states have deployed the national guard. The virus is now infected all 50 states and d. C. And this is a first, kansas closes all schools for the rest of the school year. Its beginning to sink in that many of us will be confined to our homes for weeks and millions will not be getting a paycheck. You are waking up to an anxious america. Theres an eerie feeling when you see empty cities, shuttered businesses and a country thats really grinding to a halt. Now the markets. Limit down before the opening bell. We might be 5 or 6 down in early trading. Remember, if the s p goes down 7 trading is halted for 15 minutes. We have already seen that twice. The dow, s p, nasdaq limit down, big red arrows right there. Look at this. The yield on the tenyear treasury is now 1. 12 . So money is coming out, repeat, out of treasuries. Why is that . In part because some investors have to cover
And up to 200,000 deaths. The president listening to his medical advisers and he has adjusted policy. The social distancing rules will be extended until april 30th. Therefore, the shutdown of the economy will continue well beyond easter. The president says the recovery will start by june 1st. On the markets, expect continued volatility. We have certainly seen that already today. At one point early this morning, futures showed a loss of a couple hundred points. Now we are looking at a gain at the opening bell of a couple hundred points. That would be almost 1 . A similar gain, better gain, actually, for the nasdaq, up about 1. 25 and the s p also up over 1 . A rally at the opening bell. Investors seem to like the idea of more pain now so we get out of it faster. The other big financial story is the price of oil. This is apart from the virus. This is the price of oil. Look at it. Its down to 20 a barrel. Earlier it hit 19. 20. 48 is the price right now. The saudis have declared war on Am
Now. Welcome g. To have you with us on this monday. Our Investment Committee at the table today. Also with us on set with the jp morgan. Good to have everybody here today. We begin with stocks. The s p up three straight weeks. Is this the week that ends it or prolongs it . I dont know that it exits. Obviously, we have the fed this week. There are all kinds of different news stories in front of us this week as we speak. I dont think this is something that absolutely derails us. When you look at personal spending and what goes in from the oil trade perspective, its very small. I think we are able to get back up and running faster than folks think. Today the big spike has everybody a little flustered as you get a big move in wti over 61, thats a big move. We have volatility that remains really, really low. I think that speaks volumes about what people are thinking right now. With the market down 100 and change and the volatility is not spiking to the upside after the big hard hit to the d
Host i have to leave it there. House is about to come in for the legislative morning, live coverage here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2019] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the spker pro tempor the house wl be in orde the chair lay before the hoe a cmucation from the eaker. The clerk t speers roo. Washiton, d. C. July 25, 2019. I hereby point the horab hen cuellar to act as speaker proempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of t house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursut to t order of the house of january 3, 2019, e chair wi now recognize membersrom lis submitted by t majoritand minority leads for morning ho debate. The chair will alternate recognitionetween the rties. All timehallbe equay allocatedetween the pares anin nevent shl debate ntibeyond 11 50 a. M. Eachember other than the majoty and minority leaders and minority whi
With the implementation of these contracts , Job Opportunities will be created for 66,000 people. The oil minister said that in these contracts, the power of Domestic Companies will be relied on and the Oil Production capacity will increase in 6 oil fields. 15 billion dollars in annual income will be the same increase in production of 400 thousand barrels of oil. We didnt wait for foreigners, we didnt wait for foreign finance , we didnt wait for foreign contractors, we had good achievements in the field of supplying our goods. Today, when i am at your service, we banned more than 160 items of goods from being imported. We also used the same in the first item of the year, which is the first item of the ministry of oil, in the discussion of foreign investment. In this ceremony, the first Vice President also said about the approach of the ministry of oil in relying on internal power and increasing investment in the oil industry, that these investments should be directed towards reducing t