We have a quorum. Thank you. Can we have a motion to excuse for the durcration of this meeting commissioner marr requested an excused absence and commissioner safai ewill join us list. We will take that without objection and go to the chairs report. This month i was gratified to learn from our staff and this was actually in the press that the California Public utilitiesy commissioner has ruled to reverse the policy on the confidentiality of uber annalist data. As we know they are regulated by the state p. U. C. Aprequired to submit annual reports to that agency. Despite our advocacy and the City Attorneys Office calling for it as well as the airport this has not been made available to the public or to cities and counties such as ourself. Commissioners proposed decision on data confidentiality seeks to treat these as public by default as well they should be. This decision validates our views why the Public Record act mandates disclosure and cautions companies against making over broad c
Good morning and welcome to the Transportation Authority period meeting today, february 25th. Could you please call the roll. roll call . We have a quorum. Thank you. Can we have a motion to excuse for the durcration of this meeting commissioner marr requested an excused absence and commissioner safai ewill join us list. We will take that without objection and go to the chairs report. This month i was gratified to learn from our staff and this was actually in the press that the California Public utilitiesy commissioner has ruled to reverse the policy on the confidentiality of uber annalist data. As we know they are regulated by the state p. U. C. Aprequired to submit annual reports to that agency. Despite our advocacy and the City Attorneys Office calling for it as well as the airport this has not been made available to the public or to cities and counties such as ourself. Commissioners proposed decision on data confidentiality seeks to treat these as public by default as well they sho
We have a quorum. Thank you. Can we have a motion to excuse for the durcration of this meeting commissioner marr requested an excused absence and commissioner safai ewill join us list. We will take that without objection and go to the chairs report. This month i was gratified to learn from our staff and this was actually in the press that the California Public utilitiesy commissioner has ruled to reverse the policy on the confidentiality of uber annalist data. As we know they are regulated by the state p. U. C. Aprequired to submit annual reports to that agency. Despite our advocacy and the City Attorneys Office calling for it as well as the airport this has not been made available to the public or to cities and counties such as ourself. Commissioners proposed decision on data confidentiality seeks to treat these as public by default as well they should be. This decision validates our views why the Public Record act mandates disclosure and cautions companies against making over broad c
It is an honor to welcome the National Space council back to the museum to continue the work of mapping the future of American Space expiration. Surrounded here by icons of our nations highest, proudest achievements. The council is ensuring our future achievements are fully empowered by past achievement. The things you will be discussing today will one day be enshrined in this museum. Dont forget about us. We need hardware. Last month at our museum in washington the apollo 11 space suit, Vice President pens spoke about this generations renewed commitment to American Leadership. Here at the national air and space museum we see evidence of that commitment every day. Helpless children have stood in this very spot and marveled up at the Space Shuttle discovery and then turn to the parents, grandparents or teachers to ask how something so big could fly so high. Our museum is where the country comes to understand its heritage of adventure and discovery and to pass that torch on to new genera
Lets find out a joke that ive often heard from my friends who live in the union to the city of somebody good is wherever you are in the city. If you dig 3 like guns, you wouldnt land up in exactly the same spot. Thats how it was on the city. And when most of the cities in the country have sort of developed organically, without much wheezing or design or planning. And then police has liked and these are seem like an exception. And i do in so many ways. There was a time when i wanted to live and suddenly got off the diode. But now things have taken and alarming done in the city. Lets head the to find out why they might look like normal residential buildings. But in fact, these houses apart of a grand design for the modern and logical plant city, no 70 years old, sunday, god was built in the week of and guess the defendants 70 years ago. Today itself as the capital of 2 federal states, when job and heavy on the city was designed by suspense architects, knock a, b, c. It is Plant Incorpora