Government doctors and faculty members at medical colleges have announced a one-day mass leave in solidarity with private doctors agitating against Rajasthan s new Right to Heath Bill.
“Doctor khan tu Iswor nishina he asey dey”. That was what my Mom used to say when I was growing up. Little as I was, little did I know that the statement would somehow ring true when I could finally grasp the underlying meaning of her statement. Blasphemy? I believe otherwise. When my elder brother was sliding away (he passed away), when two of my elder sisters were in the operation theatre, when my Mum was admitted to a hospital, when my Sis-in-Law was giving birth, and the multitude of times many close friends and known persons, my trust was laid on Doctors. But yes, my prayers did go up; some were answered, some weren’t. To become a Doctor, it takes just months shy of 6 years. To become a specialist after rigorous MBBs, 3 years is what one has to invest. And who has considered the in-between months or years from MBBS to becoming a specialist? So, once one becomes an employable “Doctor”, the Doctor has already invested more years than someone legible to be a high ranking of
Dimapur, Nov. 5 (EMN): The Konyak Union (KU) has expressed dismay over the failure of the state government to address doctor’s superannuation age issue, saying that the statewide indefinite strike by the Nagaland In-Service Doctors’ Association (NIDA) since October 28 has disrupted health services to the people. The state government had increased the superannuation age of medical doctors from 60 to 62 years through re-employment in the clinical sector and up to 65 years in medical college with same financial benefits as granted during their erstwhile service, but NIDA is demanded the enhancement of retirement age to 62 years for doctors without any condition and criteria. “Access to health care is a basic human right. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure availability of smooth healthcare services to the people of the state,” read the press release from KU. “Mon District being one of the remotest areas with large population depends on the lone Government Distri