Armando Manzanero seen at a press conference promoting his new television show The Music with Manzanero on Thursday, Aug. 14, 2014, in Los Angeles, Calif. (Photo by Eric Charbonneau/Invision/AP Images)
Armando Manzanero was a short Mexican man of Mayan descent atjust over 5-feet-tall, but he was a towering figure in the world of music. As a teenager you are in relationships, romantic relationships. You have a boyfriend, a girlfriend. Everyone, they have romantic interests and sometimes failures. And with a romantic failure there was always a song to describe your situation. So I remember obviously in the car in the radio listening to those songs, said Sergio Espinosa, a violinist, conductor and music director at UT Arlington.
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With help from Debra Kahn and Eric Wolff
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