The salary scale was just a tiny, little bit different 57 years ago in Saranac Lake and around the U.S . read this page one story. Whoops! Before you rus
Michigan State Police
SAULT STE. MARIE The Michigan State Police is proud to serve citizens of all different backgrounds. The Upper Peninsula is unique in that its home to a number of Native American tribal members. In total, Michigan has 12 federally acknowledged tribes.
As the MSP continues to build a diverse department representative of the public it serves, MSP Recruiter Sgt. Ben Eckola spoke with two current members of the MSP who reflected on how their culture contributed to their decisions to serve their communities.
Lt. Steven Derusha, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Lieutenant Derusha spoke about how his background prepared him for a career in the MSP, how being in the MSP has enabled him to give back to his fellow Sault Tribe members, and what advice he would offer to other tribal members who may be interested in the MSP.