28 April 2021, 06:04 pm Genshin Impact Version 1.5 update has finally arrived with the Serenitea Pot System and brought along the all-new Housing Realm, allowing players to have their own humble abode similar to that used by Adepti.
The latest update also gives players the chance to get Diona from the Cat s Tail tavern through the Energy Amplifier Initiation event.
In addition to the new content, the v1.5 update includes bug fixes and optimizations. Genshin Impact v1.5 Housing Realm: How to Craft, Farm, and Obtain Furnishings
The new Serenity Pot system, which was initially teased in September, features miraculous teapots that allow players to create realms and abodes.
(Photo : miHoYo) Genshin Impact 1.5 version Beneath the Light of Jadeite is bringing the Serenitea Pot System to go with other stuff like unlocking the pot, Tubby, trust rank, and trust ranks to name a few.
The system was first teased by miHoyo in September, but this time, we could experience how to construct our own in-game house, craft furniture, and more tasks that are currently on their way ahead of its Apr.28 release.
(Photo : Paimon (@GenshinImpact) from Twitter)
How to Unlock the Serenitea Pot, Enter and Exit it
Dualshockers reported that players should reach first AR 35 or higher so they could enter the teapot. In short, you need to finish the main story before unlocking it.
Serenitea Pot Genshin Impact 1.5 - How to Unlock, Tubby, Furniture Crafting, Co-op Explained
Everything about the Housing system in Genshin.
Ver 1.5 Beneath the Light of Jadeite, we summarized everything below.
First teased a little bit after
Genshin Impact‘s launch in September 2020, the Serenitea Pot system will let us freely customize our own home, craft furniture, and earn extra rewards.
VER 1.5 – Official details on new characters, events
Genshin Impact – How to unlock the Serenitea Pot
First, you’ll need to be at AR 35 or above, and to have completed the main story quest Chapter I: Act III “A New Star Approaches” As in, you need to be past the point in the main story when we entered Madame Ping’s teapot, which makes perfect sense. As it’s world-building and a demonstration of how the Serenitea Pot works. Adepti uses them as media to channel their power and create Realms and Abodes.