The Minister of Administration and Local Government, Elbert Krasniqi, after Tuesday’s meeting in Brussels, dismissed the management team of the draft statute of the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian Majority.
Update 13/01/11. We now have the e mail contact addresses of the Republic Veterinary Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Belgrade, should anyone wish to contact them about the following. We would suggest that the ‘Subject’ line of the e mail be left blank, but please ensure that your e mail does refer to…
Bosnia s election commissioner (CIK) confirmed preliminary results for the 2 October presidential, parliamentary and statewide elections. This confirms the dominance of nationalist parties at all levels of Balkan country governance. The CIK confirmed that non-nationalist Croat (Bosnian Muslim), and Bosniak (Bosnian Croat) candidates won the seats on the tripartite Inter-ethnic Presidency. A candidate from a […]