Launched on Friday at the African Princess Hotel in Kololi, GPI, which is under the Peace Building Fund (PBF), aims to enhance the institutional capacity of civil society organisations to promote gender equality and women s empowerment, particularly in rural areas, and to foster solidarity among civil society organizations.
The report by the NHRC covers 25 May 2022, when the White Paper was published, to May 25 2023 and would be delivered to the National Assembly of The Gambia.
These projects include transitional justice, security sector reform, resolution of land conflict, women and youth participation in decision making, rule of law and community policing, youth against political violence, returning migrants and climate change among others.
The Judges’ Forum was coordinated by NATCOM UNESCO - The Gambia and funded by UNESCO Dakar which brought together experts and competent dignitaries from the UN system, judiciary, GBA, international trainers from UNESCO and others. In her opening remarks, Mrs.
UN News/Hisae Kawamori – Seraphine Wakana, UN Resident Coordinator, The Gambia New York, USA, 06 March 2023-/African Media Agency(AMA)/Seraphine Wakana, the UN Resident Coordinator in The Gambia, is coming to the end of her mandate. In this blog, she reflects on her experience over the last five years, which have seen the country emerge from a […]