Seraphim Space Investment Trust Plc (LON:SSIT – Get Rating)’s stock price dropped 7.8% during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as GBX 39.68 ($0.50) and last traded at GBX 40.55 ($0.51). Approximately 225,383 shares traded hands during trading, a decline of 24% from the average daily volume of 297,576 shares. The […]
UK space industry investment has nearly doubled in the past eight years and it has been the second-best global destination for investment behind the US,.
Shares of Seraphim Space Investment Trust Plc (LON:SSIT – Get Rating) dropped 1.1% on Monday . The company traded as low as GBX 35.50 ($0.44) and last traded at GBX 35.60 ($0.44). Approximately 137,541 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 57% from the average daily volume of 319,407 shares. The stock had […]
Investment trusts have sunk to their widest sustained discount since the depths of the global financial crisis, with analysts highlighting a wealth of.