Weddings are big business in Singapore. Some people spend enough on their wedding photoshoot, gown and ring to buy a house in other countries. But the real killer is definitely the wedding banquet. And hotels know people are willing to pay big bucks to impress their relatives. So every so often, they dutifully hike up their prices, telling themselves these.
SINGAPORE - When applying for two jobs, Muhammad Rasul Kadir Ali submitted a forged diploma in security and fire safety management. To bolster his case in one of the applications, he submitted his own phone numbers as his two referees' contacts to impersonate them and provide good feedback about himself. The 31-year-old Singaporean was jailed for three weeks on Wednesday.
Fresh from winning two SEA Games medals in Vietnam earlier this month, Singapore's top-ranked chess player Tin Jingyao is set to become the nation's fifth and youngest Grandmaster after more sterling performances in the Hanoi GM Chess Tournament. The 21-year-old won six of his first seven rounds and drew with Filipino Paulo Bersamina on Saturday (May 28) to meet the.
21st birthdays. Check. Graduation. Check. First job; first paycheck. Check. You already know what’s coming next… Weddings. Attending a wedding also means that you’re gonna need to gift a wedding ang bao or hongbao (red packet). Now, as much as I would love to gift as much as I can for every friend or (long-lost) cousin’s wedding I attend, it’s.