Mile High Jazz Band Association continues the 2020 Jazz & Beyond Festival’s series of live-streamed, streamed, and virtual events through September. The next event, on Sunday, September 13, features Niall McGuinness & the New World Jazz Project playing soul, Latin, and world jazz from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
well, is on the radar screen and polls that ended to september 13 and we haven t had a poll in new hampshire in over two weeks and the movement in some of the other senate races is occurring in new hampshire as well and there s no reason to believe it s not, this swing toward the gop, that race could be very, very close. much closer than the polls are showing because again, the polls are a couple weeks old and they have maggie hassen up about five points. new hampshire is another place that underestimated republican support in the polls and the new hampshire race might be closer than people are expecting it to be right now. laura: does the national moten memorabilia it up you feel building and that also might have some effect in places like new hampshire; correct? absolutely. listen, it s not just new