hispanics, asians. so what you find out and what we hav.e to understand is that we are individuals. we do think or communicate as groups. we are individuals, wee to communicate to other people. and that means individuals within separat oe groups can hae as much in common or even more in common with individuals in other groups. a white guy can have more in common with the black guy, right? that sbl that s what this is really about. so when you look at that, this is to me, it s sad because it tells me what we could have had for the longest time if didn t have this grotesque, monstrous thing called the media. there are all these major themes in life, and pygmy doesn t change our shared aspirations for these themes. fortunately, the does. yeah. just why do you think that that these media representatives that greg talks about whthy cant they embrace this song? is it what is negatives lo thisl