An elementary school teacher in Seoul took her own life recently, apparently unable to handle complaints from demanding parents. Also grabbing headlines was another incident where .
Last month, a female elementary school teacher was attacked by a male sixth grader in her classroom, sustaining injuries that required three weeks of treatment at a hospital. The teacher was also diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition to transferring the boy to another school the heaviest possible punishment for elementary school students her school requested that the Seoul Metropolitan Offi.
Debate over teachers’ rights was raised Thursday, after an elementary school teacher was found to have taken her own life in her classroom amid rumors of bullying by a student’s parents. The Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education on Wednesday confirmed that an early career teacher at an elementary school in Seocho-gu, southern Seoul, was found dead in her classroom Tuesday morning before school started. A.
An elementary school teacher in Seoul took her own life recently, apparently unable to handle complaints from demanding parents. Also grabbing headlines was another incident where an elementary school student assaulted his teacher, causing her to require medical .