Despite having frequent K-drama comebacks, Seol In Ah worries her beloved fans due to her seemingly “flopping” acting career.
#SeolInAh #TwinklingWatermelon #Oasis #BusinessProposal
Although the hit series “A Business Proposal” has already ended, stellar actresses Kim Sejeong and Seol In Ah’s friendship continues! Here’s how they showed their extraordinary bond!
#ABusinessProposal #BusinessProposal #KimSejeong #SeolInAh #TodaysWebtoon
Following the conclusion of “A Business Proposal,” Seol In Ah's fame skyrocketed! In the upcoming episode of popular show “Home Alone,” the actress will share a glimpse of her humble home! Read more!
#ABusinessProposal #BusinessProposal #SeolInAh #HomeAlone #ILiveAlone