The 30-share BSE Sensex pack fell 52 points or 0.08 per cent to trade at 61,930, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 18 points or 0.10 per cent down to trade at 18,330. On the global front, Asian shares were last seen trading lower tracking an overnight fall in the US stock markets.
The 30-share BSE Sensex fell 23 points or 0.04 per cent to trade at 61,408, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 21 points or 0.12 per cent lower to trade at 18,109. Mid- and small-cap shares were down as Nifty Midcap 100 fell 0.62 per cent and small-cap was down 0.64 per cent.
The 30-share BSE Sensex surged 372 points or 0.60 per cent to trade at 61,933, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 108 points or 0.59 per cent higher to trade at 18,290. Mid- and small-cap shares were positive as Nifty Midcap 100 gained 0.44 per cent and small-cap was up 0.58 per cent.
The 30-share BSE Sensex pack fell 80 points or 0.13 per cent to trade at 62,265, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 13 points or 0.07 per cent down to trade at 18,386. On the global front, Asian shares were up tracking an overnight rise in the US stock markets.
The 30-share BSE Sensex pack fell 259 points or 0.42 per cent to trade at 61,645, while the broader NSE Nifty moved 64 points or 0.35 per cent down to trade at 18,233. On the global front, most Asian shares traded lower tracking an overnight fall in a majority of US stocks.