scholarship that sherilyn eiffel is famous for. she s got a whole lot more of it on her twitter feed if you want to check it out. let s say, for example, you are wondering why white people buy so much as they so clearly do. sherilyn eiffel has an answer for you. truth telling is an act of violence. she rode. that makes sense bid we are not going to make fun of sherilyn eiffel, we are afraid to do that. when she gets to the supreme court she might pull the share of off the air. she added that she thinks the fcc should regulate fox and rode in another tweet that she was upset that his show was allowed on the public airwaves that belong to us and that are licensed by our government. we are not on the public airwaves but some might say that anybody writes a sentence that ignorance probably has a really low iq. but we are not going to say that about sherilyn eiffel. we are going to assume she s just highly self-confident. she has no idea the fcc doesn t
doesn t prevent you from spreading it. i vaccine is personal. it s to lessen your symptoms and increase your chances of survival commode we know the mortality rates are very low for omicron as we ve seen so far. it s a personal production bid this is another instance of the government coming in as the nanny state and telling you what you should do for your personal health. every time they try to slam van vaccinated for being selfish makes no sense bid getting a vaccine doesn t keep you from passing it to somebody else. it s about personal production. we need to get that straight. i also have another theory as to why the testing was not expanded when it could ve been good i think we can all agree that we need more tests. i believe, this is my personal belief, that the biden administration didn t want to expand the testing, because they didn t want to show that the vaccinated were still getting and giving covid. i think they thought that would discourage vaccines. they wanted to lessen t