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BRATTLEBORO â The town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:
Agricultural Advisory Board; Agricultural Advisory Board Ex-Officio Members; ADA Advisory Board; Arts Committee; Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board of Commissioners; Cemetery Committee; Citizen Police Communications Committee; Conservation Commission; Design Review Committee; Design Review Committee Alternate; Development Review Board; Development Review Board Alternate; Energy Committee; Fence Viewers (by statute, must be legal voters of the town); Hazard Mitigation Committee; Honor Roll; Inspector, Lumber, Shingles & Wood; Planning Commission; Recreation & Parks Board; Rescue, Inc., Trustee; Senior Solutions Advisory Council; Traffic Safety Committee (1 citizen representative and 1 school representative); Tree Advisory Committee; Weigher of Coal.
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BRATTLEBORO â The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards: Agricultural Advisory Board; ADA Advisory Board; Arts Committee; Conservation Commission; Development Review Board; Development Review Board (Alternate); Energy Committee; Inspector, Lumber, Shingles & Wood; Senior Solutions Advisory Council; Planning Commission.
Applications and more information about various committees and boards can be found on the Brattleboro website,, or by calling the Town Managerâs office (251-8151). If you are a Brattleboro resident and interested in serving on a Brattleboro committee or board, please submit your application online, or send the application by e-mail to the Town Managerâs office â and, â or mail or deliver the application to: Brattleboro Town Managerâs Office, Attn: Committee V