Hyderabad saw a 26% year-on-year rise in registration of residential properties in July 2023, with 5,557 properties registered. The total value of these registrations rose 35% year-on-year to Rs 2,878 crore. The market was largely concentrated on properties priced between Rs 25-50 lakh, and in the size range of 1,000-2,000 square feet.
Residential sales in Hyderabad during May were mainly within properties sized 1,000-2,000 sq ft, whilst the price range of Rs 25 – 50 lakhs, accounted for the highest registrations.
Residential registrations in Hyderabad increased by 32 per cent month on month (MoM) basis during November 2022, Knight Frank India noted in the latest assessment.The city recorded registrations of 6,119 units of residential properties in .