(From Destination Seneca County) Destination Seneca County has announced they are hosting Eclipse Insights, in partnership with several Seneca County community organizations, on Monday, February 26 to assist business owners and community members in preparing for the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse. Eclipse Insights will be held at 9 AM at North Central Educational Service
News Editor news@presspublications.com Ottawa County commissioner Mark Coppeler recently provided opponent testimony to a bill pending in the state legislature that would allow certain counties to unilaterally withdraw from joint solid waste districts.
The Seneca County General Health District has announced it is accepting applications for temporary campsite and temporary food service permits for the solar eclipse.
Tiffin, Ohio — The Seneca County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution Thursday morning formalizing its strong opposition to any expansion at Sunny Farms Landfill. Draft language for the resolution was introduced on June 2 followed by another draft being publicized on June 9. After receiving feedback from various sources, a final resolution was approved Thursday […]