Creating an explicit property right to Social Security retirementbenefits would protect those who are least able to afford benefitreductions and give them the peace of mind they deserve. Opponentsof reform should refrain from rhetoric that scares senior citizensand instead make certain that the debate focuses on the importantproblems within the system itself.
Amending the CARE Act in certain ways would advance the President'scommitment to promote what he calls the "armies of compassion" tocombat family and social breakdown. By emphasizing tax incentivesto boost charitable giving, the bill would properly focus attentionon the role of private philanthropy in addressing social ills.
Proposed changes in the SSA's "Your Social Security Statement"would give Americans user-friendly access to information previouslyhidden in highly technical publications of the SSA, Office ofManagement and Budget, and U.S. General Accounting Office.
The 2022 midterm election is only weeks away, with control of Congress and key statehouses at stake. Our reporters are covering contests across the nation.