weaselly and weak these men are, and that they can t hold on to a thought for a week for fear of donald trump or constituents that might be blindly following him. this pathetic turn the republican party has taken, and it is lasting now for years, it is exhausting. it is a shock opera. what legal accountability, what legal possibilities are there that these men are quoted saying they want this guy out of office and then they re sucking up to him at mar-a-lago a week later? or is it just more shop opera? i think it is at least with these men it is just shock opera. you know, i think perhaps with trump there should be, i mean i think there can be a legal recourse. i agreed with senator mcconnell on february 13th, 2021, when he gave his speech after acquitting trump. he said that, you know, the criminal law could apply to trump. but, you know, as for this cowardice in terms of these men