A 14-year Democratic state representative serving northwest Porter County this year is facing a Republican challenger for the first time in nearly a decade.
Bill Giving County Commissioners Final Say on Health Orders Goes to Holcomb
(INDIANAPOLIS) It’s up to Governor Holcomb now to decide whether to sign a bill limiting local
health orders.
get county commissioners’ blessing for an emergency health order stricter than what the governor
has imposed. And it allows businesses to appeal to the commissioners if they’re shut down for
violating it.
Charlestown Senator Chris Garten (R) says the bill isn’t “a knee-jerk reaction or a combative
response” to any local health order. He says local health officials have been “heroes” during the
COVID-19 pandemic. But he says as a matter of principle, people need to have someone they can
Indiana Senator Attempts To Decriminalize Marijuana
Indiana Senator Attempts To Decriminalize Marijuana
“Our neighboring states have made efforts to address unjust marijuana laws, and it’s time for us to do the same,” said Senator Karen Tallian.
It has been said that Indiana will be one of the last states to legalize marijuana. The state is run by a bunch of holy-rolling Republicans who believe weed is the root of all evil. And they just can’t seem to wrap their heads around marijuana being good for the people and the state’s economy.
Therefore, as long as the ultra-conservative beast continues to bed down in the Capitol, weed isn’t going to make any headway. However, some state lawmakers plan to hold the anti-pot goons accountable in the next session. They aren’t asking for full-blown legalization like neighboring Illinois and Michigan just the elimination of criminal penalties for those caught in possession.