saying, consent for examination of pelvic region. [dramatic music] the common thread among all the work that i ve done is really fighting for and prioritizing the lives and identities of women and gender minorities in texas. and so, this is the same sort of work that i think wendy davis showed me a lot about and taught me a lot about in high school. it s the same work that i hope to do literally for the rest of my life. [dramatic music] the virus that causes shingles is sleeping. in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you re not at risk? wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you re over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
- wendy davis got a hostile greeting when she landed in los angeles. life size posters were up and they said things like, hollywood welcomes abortion barbie, wendy davis. - fox news commentator erick erickson took to his twitter account and wrote the following. so abortion barbie had a sugar daddy ken, and of course, he s referring to her second husband, who helped her pay for her harvard law degree. - it felt uncontrollable. it felt like it had just gotten away from me. - the best thing about wendy davis fiasco is this. it proves that you can still call a whore a whore. - jesus. - feminazis ain t won yet, my friends. - and then one day, it s just over. it s just gone. - republican greg abbott blew out democrat wendy davis.
and it s having an emotional impact on her. you know, it was really, validation about how difficult it was, what i went through. [somber music] - it struck me so deeply, because i felt as though i were reading my own story. [soft music] - texas state senator wendy davis. she has a brand new memoir. it is called forgetting to be afraid. in it, davis reveals for the very first time that she made the decision to terminate two pregnancies. - a friend of mine posted a picture from the book and it was talking about her reading my story and how it impacted her and inspired her to share her own story, and i was like, wow.
- it was an exciting moment for all of us that this was raising awareness all over the country about what was happening to women s reproductive freedoms. - it was a live and unfolding political drama, a woman who chose to make a stand in front of her fellow lawmakers and a viewing audience that grew based on word of mouth and social media. - the texas state senator that everyone is talking about. wendy davis, a democrat, took a stand against a bill restricting abortions in the state. - who is wendy davis and why is everyone talking about her? - are you gonna run for governor? [dramatic music] [audience cheering] this girl is on fire [audience cheering] - look at you, look at all of you. - wendy, wendy. - texas. - wendy, wendy, wendy. - trying to be in this moment
thank you. the letter that struck me the most, and still to this day, really sticks with me is the letter that i read from carole m. - the day of the filibuster, i was actually in abilene, texas for work. i got a text probably early in the afternoon from heather busby that said, wendy davis is reading your story. so i cut my trip short, drove back to austin. - no one ever thinks they re going to be faced with the decision of terminating a much wanted pregnancy. - [both] when you are given the news that there is nothing - that can be done to save your baby s life, it feels like your soul has been ripped apart, but we had a decision to make.