People of low income africanamericans, hispanics are signing up with higher rates. Women are getting higher insurance rates than men. People in rural areas are enrolling with higher rates. Who are the people who did not have insurance before, who are the ones who were shut out before. Is also shows in large part the power of the medicaid elf pangs. Some states did not expand. Were saying theres a huge disparity between the states expanded and those that did not. If you are low income person in a state like minnesota, and you are likely to get insurance. If you are a low income person in a state like florida, your options are much more limited. Host in the piece you did, you break it down by race as well. 26 drops down to 16 . You can see, more whites or asians with Health Insurance. That is going down as well. Almost every group saw reductions in the rate of insurance. If you didnt have insurance there were other options available. Certainly, the groups that were most disadvantaged fal
Starts to pump and for once in my life, i go, if i had a damn cell phone. I could call someone. So after that event i broke down and joined the cell phone generation. Patient spaceshipone, that was pressure. I had not found the vehicle loan the vehicle and 10 months. My flight the second x2 flight would be on a monday morning. The night before sunday night was the first airing of the Discovery Channel plus program called the black sky and there was two parts to that. The first part was the race to space which was focused mainly on all the effort it took to get the first fight back in june. That was being played out on national tv and when it broke between segments instead of going to commercial, the reporter he would interview birds and say the first question was who is the pilot tomorrow . And he would answer that question so miles pushed further and said how do you think it is going to go . I do not know if you know bert but if you have an audience, a crowd, he knows how to work it a
Hour. I dont have net visuals and i could claim that thats because i dont know how to do it. But the truth is, i never know what im going to say and how im going to say it until i get here. So i hope you will forgive me for the lack of visuals. My title is dreams nightmares and neglect. And im going to start earlier than 1783. Im going to start with the beginning of european of exploration, the early part of the 17th century. So its going to a almost 200year dream. And but it will go fast. Because i want to concentrate on what happened once the dream was the realized. In 1607 john smith entered the seven mile wide mouth of the Potomac River and headed north. Whether he got this far north were actually not certain. But the People Living here, algonquin peoples, called the place petome kp. Pitot mek. It translates as a place to which something is brought a trading place a place to which tribute is brought. It was a beautiful area infer which the tidewater from the ocean stopped. The rive
Who is credited with inspiring a generation of americans in ways to serve their country. Would you believe Public Service means in todays america. Do believe young people are taking up the call to Public Service . Give us a call. If you are outside the u. S. , 202 5853883. You can also catch up with us on your favorite social media pages. Host a very good monday morning to you. 50 years ago today, john f. Kennedy was buried at Arlington National cemetery. His Public Service was best expressed in his 1961 inaugural address. [video clip] asked not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. [laughter] [applause] world,ow citizens of the ask not what america will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. [applause] arelly, whether you citizens of america or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you, with a good conscience our when history is the final judge of our deeds, let
Offenders. In addition these lines can go to help subsidize it costs for enforcement area directly into victim services. No fines were levied. Schools cannot truly be held accountable. Secondly, Congress Must compel the department of education to continually release a list of school with complaints. They may be deprived of affirmation surrounding their own complaints. The university was under investigation when i was raped there were still under investigation and i still did not know. Had i known, i could only about what have chosen another school to attend. I only wish i had known they were under investigation when i began going through my campuses silicon and that a modicum of preparation for this humiliation the wooden door. They did not protect the. I was thrilled to see that ocr recently released a list of schools currently under investigation, but that must become the norm. Compel them to continuously been publicly released surabaya experience can become a now wire. He did not us