Updated: 12:31 PM CST Feb 22, 2021
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Show Transcript Good morning, everybody. Uh, we re here today to give you an update on last week s winter storm. I m here with Speaker Charles McCall, Senate Pro TEM Greg Treat, our secretary of Energy Environment, Ken Wagner, Attorney General Mike Connor and Director of Emergency Management Mark Gower. Thank you guys all so much for being with me today. Last week s winter storm was historic for our state, both in weather and how it affected our utility system. In Oklahoma City, the temperature hit 14 below zero. It was the coldest it had been since 18 99. We stayed below 20 degrees for almost a week straight, the longest in at least 60 years. This truly was a once in a lifetime storm. Across the country, there were more than 100 records set for all time cold temperatures last week. Whether that cold for that long has caused problems on our power system that we ve never seen before. The Southwest Power Pool became
Updated: 12:17 PM CST Feb 22, 2021
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Show Transcript Good morning, everybody. Uh, we re here today to give you an update on last week s winter storm. I m here with Speaker Charles McCall, Senate Pro TEM Greg Treat, our secretary of Energy Environment, Ken Wagner, Attorney General Mike Connor and Director of Emergency Management Mark Gower. Thank you guys all so much for being with me today. Last week s winter storm was historic for our state, both in weather and how it affected our utility system. In Oklahoma City, the temperature hit 14 below zero. It was the coldest it had been since 18 99. We stayed below 20 degrees for almost a week straight, the longest in at least 60 years. This truly was a once in a lifetime storm. Across the country, there were more than 100 records set for all time cold temperatures last week. Whether that cold for that long has caused problems on our power system that we ve never seen before. The Southwest Power Pool became