President obama not in washington dc this week. And australia. Ia his First Official stop is today for the economic conference. He will meet chinese president xi jinping. On friday at bilateral meeting with the burmese president and a separate meeting with the Opposition Leader there. He is expected to deliver a major policy address. On his keep you updated trip here on the cspan networks. Awaiting action in the house, federal spending for the 2014 fiscal spending. New members begin orientation on senatey and then in the votes are expected on judicial nominations and a childcare block program. You can watch the house live here on cspan and the senate on our companion network. The secretary Veterans Administration is set to announce a Major Overhaul to make it easier for millions of patients to seek care. The department is going to aim to simplify the process of getting into the system, streamlining any streamlining nine different structures. Thatecretary acknowledged employees must be
Welcome everyone. Good afternoon. We are delighted to be here today at the council on Foreign Relations where we have the opportunity to discuss with president kim of the world bank the next steps for International Climate action. Dr. Kim became the 12th president of the world bank in 2012 after a career in development and medicine. He served as president of Dartmouth College and a number of medical departments and cofounded partners in health, which now operates on four continents. His work has earned him wide recognition. He was awarded the mccarthurs genius fellowship in 2003. He is one of americas 25 best leaders. In 2005 and Time Magazine named him the 100 most influential person in 2005. He will be discussing Climate Change. With that, dr. Kim. [applause] thank you very much. And i apologize for the delay. We had his royal highness, the prince of cambridge here and was just across the street talking about crups and we had security issues. I apologize but im very glad to be here.
Interpretation of statutes. And, also, the Supreme Court has indicated in the u. S. V. Jones case dealing with g. P. S. They have doubts about smith v. Maryland and those doubts existed in opinions written by five of the justices not all on the same opinion but that shows some support of a reinterpretation of smith and smith v. Maryland is the underpinning of a lot of the programs and the interpretations. If you can get the courts outside of the secret court to hit these issues, to find some things unconstitutional, this makes it much more difficult for them to twist the words and make sort of creative arguments in the secret court to expand on things, even if we dont know what theyre doing in that court. It makes it, if we end up having a special advocate, that gives them something to cite to something to work with in those courts and so were hopeful that by getting some judicial change on this can really set the stage for widespread reform. And if you dont if the courts rule against
Pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2014, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from florida, ms. Roslehtinen, for five minutes. Ms. Roslehtinen thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today to strongly oppose the december 17 announcement by president obama on policy changes toward the cuban communist regime. The cuban regime from day one was planning on using alan gross as a pawn to receive concessions from the Obama Administration and their strategy worked. In april, 2013 when asked about a possible swap for mr. Gross secretary kerry testified before congress that, quote, we have refused to do that because the
Did mention, you brought out your customer problems with our banks and i think that given that the statute that i referenced allowed only temporary exemptions, do you believe it is time that those involved in these type of real estate transactions should be required to implement u. S. AntiMoney Laundering programs . Asthings such as the virtual word we need to think about this in order to preclude dirty money from entering the system. Anything that moves in terms of hiding money criminals and terrorists are very good at trying to circumvent our measures. Ms. Waters i suppose you are aware of the extensive article that was done about the Time Warner Center and it is absolutely startling to take a look at the purchase of those properties and who is buying them and how it operates. I think that this information is very instructive. And it should cause us to want to take a closer look about what we do about these kind of real estate transactions. Thank you. I held back. Mr. Williams i have