Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. In keeping in the great way senator lindsey runs his meeting, we start here on time too. And well defer our opening comments out of respect to you so you can make your introduction and go on about your business. But you honor us by being here. We thank you for that. And the floor is yours to introduce one of our nominees. Thank you, chairman corker and Ranking Member. Thank you for the opportunity tew peer before the committee on behalf of the president s nominee to serve as the undersecretary of state for management. Hes been my budget director, hes an excellent manager. He has tremendous historical knowledge and coordinate many efficiently. He was born and raised portland, oregon and attended college in san francisco. He remains loyal to his west coast roots. After graduating college, he considered teaching diplomatic history. While he never had a chance to pursue that interest, the opportunity to pursue the role in Foreign Policy will
Senator lindsey runs his meeting, we start here on time too. And well defer our opening comments out of respect to you so you can make your introduction and go on about your business. But you honor us by being here. We thank you for that. And the floor is yours to introduce one of our nominees. Thank you, chairman corker and Ranking Member. Thank you for the opportunity tew peer before the committee on behalf of the president s nominee to serve as the undersecretary of state for management. Hes been my budget director, hes an excellent manager. He has tremendous historical knowledge and coordinate many efficiently. He was born and raised portland, oregon and attended college in san francisco. He remains loyal to his west coast roots. After graduating college, he considered teaching diplomatic history. While he never had a chance to pursue that interest, the opportunity to pursue the role in Foreign Policy will be a great privilege. He began work in the legislative branch in 1989 and se
Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. In keeping with the great way that senator ramsey runs his committee, we start on time here, too. Well defer our opening comments out of respect for you so you can make your destruction and go about your business. You honor us by being here, we thank you for that. The floor is yours to introduce won of our nominees. Thank you, chairman corker and Ranking Member carden. Thank you for the chance to appear before the committee. He has been my budget director. He has tremendous knowledge and he has been able to coordinate many efficiently. He was born and raised in portland, oregon. He remains loyal to his west coast roots. After graduating college, he considered teaching diplomatic history. The opportunity to serve at the state department in a role that supports the creation and execution of Foreign Policy will be a great privilege. He began work at the legislative branch in 1989 and served in many positions including running the office of s
Ambassadors to afghanistan and bahrain. They were asked about the security in embassies of staff abroad. In addition they heard a nominee to head the african committee. This is two hours and 20 minutes. Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. In keeping with the great way that senator ramsey runs his committee, we start on time here, too. Well defer our opening comments out of respect for you so you can make your destruction and go about your business. You honor us by being here, we thank you for that. The floor is yours to introduce won of our nominees. Thank you, chairman corker and Ranking Member carden. Thank you for the chance to appear before the committee. He has been my budget director. He has tremendous knowledge and he has been able to coordinate many efficiently. He was born and raised in portland, oregon. He remains loyal to his west coast roots. After graduating college, he considered teaching diplomatic history. The opportunity to serve at the state department in
Thank you, madam chair. And thank you for holding this hearing. I appreciated. I know this is a focus, this panel on cybersecurity but weve also talked about reliability and a new the next panel can focus on the. I appreciate your willingness to move forward on figuring so quickly after your taking the chairmanship. I like to ask a couple of questions because we have great experts here who may be can give us a preview of what were going to next also for us to be able to compare and contrast with her from some of the industry folks. First i guess, chairman lafleur id like to hear from you a little bit about what you think we ought to be doing in terms of reliability. You were quoted as having said am also very concerned about the price both the applet magnitude of price spikes and increase we saw this when it when we see the ice spikes its a symptom protecting reliability is causing this issue. Can you elaborate on that . Is that an accurate quote . Yes, but always in the context. We ha