but officials really wanted to make sure that the statue was open to the public today on independence day and we re told, carol, no surprise here, that all the tickets for today are sold out to the statue of liberty. again, 15,000 people making their way here today. back to you. that is such a beautiful shot. pamela brown, thank you so much for bringing that to us on this fourth of july. we ll have much more in the newsroom on the fourth. we ll be right back. i m here in afghanistan. i just want to say happy fourth of jufl to my grandma, betty blanchard, my mom kimberly parker, my best friend keasha flanders, my daughter senai harrison and my brother montel jones and all my family. love you. the great outdoors.
0 the u.s. ambassador to egypt become being the symbol of what critics say is obama s failed egypt policy. newsroom starts now. good morning. thank you so much for being with me. i m carol costello. happy fourth. what a better way to celebrate independence day than starting this hour with an amazing picture. lady liberty. she s back open this morning after being closed eight months. the huddled masses are coming back but they better come with tickets. passes to get into the crowd sold out until nid august. today s opening follows a massive restoration project that was completed one day before sandy hit and damaged liberty island. we ll have a live report for you in just a few minutes. in our nation s capital, washington gets set to host a huge birthday celebration. final preparations are under way for the thousands ready to party on the national mall. the culmination of america s 237th birthday will be a gigantic 17-minute fireworks show that can be seen across washington and a