NBC Montana went to the University of Montana to learn more about the current conflict in the Middle East.About 3,300 years ago, Jewish people lived across wha
Prominent online atheist anti-theist Jonathan M. S. Pearce, who runs the blog, A Tippling Philosopher (1), provides an example of the fairly standard I approach the tower of Babel story in Genesis 11 with the goal of seeking to understand which aspects of it can be verified by secular archaeology and linguistics.
A community of extremely online people is cobbling together a lighthearted caricature of Jewish femininity. Underneath it is something far more urgent.
An examination of textbooks used in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of Moroccan state schools during the 2021-2022 school year indicate that tolerance and diversity are core to the curriculum promoted across Moroccan society.
For the better part of a decade, conversations in the United States concerning the future of Israel-Diaspora relations have been nothing short of a five-alarm fire.