If brian were here, hed know that song i do not im Tyler Mathisen major averages in the green in this next, really, three hours left on this final trading day of the quarter and of the first half of the year the dow getting a boost from nikes rally on the backof its earnings beat out last evening check out whats moving right now. The dow industrials up a little bit. As you look at humana, Becton Dickinson all hitting new 52week highs. Its also the last trading day of the first half. Investors, so far this year, have seen some solid gains bob fisani is on the nyse floor. D dominic chu. Thanks, tyler take a look at the sectors here. The key point is were continuing to see mild resistance in technology for example, semiconductors are lagging a bit. Biotech, which is another Market Leader lagging a bit a lot of talk about this rotation going on. Look at the leaders in june. The big leaders have been tech, particularly Semiconductor Stocks utilities have done well as Interest Rates have sta
It. That was the volatility, massive ramp in the vicks, everybody worried. Back to thursday in the afternoon there was a guy i was watching, he was on between like 12 00 and 1 00, and he read a letter from 2010, oh, no, its a recent letter. I heard you this morning howard is great bonds there was a moment where someone asked about a Semiconductor Stock and he said thats not what i do. I went back and googled howard marks year 2010. Up comes his may letter. Look, i respect that man and i would never do anything against what he is the king of, but the problem is that when you make that kind of broad statement theres a lot of people who do freak out because hes obviously a really smart guy we freaked out when the guy from ball post says its time to go we freak out when Stan Druckenmiller says it. This is why you sold netflix at 30 this is why people sold facebook at 350 this is why they got out of apple. If you listen to yourself, you may not sell these stocks, but if you listen to people
Rally, since we hit bottom eight years ago today, is all the result of the feds easy money policies. The other day when the dow gained points, nasdaq crept up a tiny point with 2 . I think its worth spending some time together debunking that canard because its a bogus story that casts the entire move as a castle in the sand that could be washed away by the wave of the feds impending rate hikes. Look, if you really believe that this epic multiyear increase was all about the Federal Reserve, as so many do, and not about the companies and the ceos and the people behind them that you invested in, then right now you should be scared out of your wits, no doubt, given that were probably going to get a very strong employment report tomorrow which will allow the fed to start tightening, most likely tightening fast. The fed aggressively cut rates during the grease recession because it wanted to entice our country into doing more business and it did it. So lets move on to something more befitting
Was it the fed with so many voices calling for rate hikes . Was it the consumer or the earnings for some companies or the fact that oil seems to be unable to break . Every day we try to figure out what is ailing this market. This week i looked up the fabled july 15, 1979 crisis of confidence speech to see what jimmy carter said during a period where america was suffering from a collective malaise. And i quote, for the first time in our history in the history of our country, a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years, carter told the nation. Again, quote, it is a crisis that strikes at the very heart and soul and spirit of our national will, end quote. Of course at the time we were suffering from gas lines caused by an opec embargo, and from wild inflation caused in part by a weaker dollar that eroded our savings. Now the price of oil is on tenter hooks after being cut in half and its the dollars strength thats hurting earnings. Ther
Every day we try to figure out what is ailing this market. This week i looked up the fabled july 15, 1979 crisis of confidence speech to see what jimmy carter said during a period where america was suffering from a collective malaise. And i quote, for the first time in our history in the history of our country, a majority of our people believe that the next five years will be worse than the past five years, carter told the nation. Again, quote, it is a crisis th and soul and spirit of our national will, end quote. Of course at the time we were suffering from gas lines caused by an opec embargo, and from wild inflation caused in part by a weaker dollar that eroded our savings. Now the price of oil is on tenter hooks after being cut in half and its the dollars strength thats hurting earnings. Theres some kind of aversion to owning stocks which i think is part of a genuine belief that the future will be worse than the past for many americans. Carter talked about a poisoned political envir