we re not going to sell them american semi conduc semiconduc. i don t feel about that. i don t work for the chinese government. i understand, but you look at it the way you look at it, which i completely understand, the way we ve done this for a long time. the president is linking a lot of things that many people are not comfortable with having linked. right. this is definitely the way that the trump foreign policy doctrine, if you will, is emerging. he s saying, look, i want them to help us with north korea. i want to lower the trade deficit with the chinese. i want to figure out a way to do it. they said to the administration, in some form or another, look, give us slack on zte, and then we re going to buy a lot more american goods and help you with the north korea situation. yeah. you said something i disagree with. this is not the way we ve always done it. the way we ve always done it the way they re going now. that is the chinese go to a bunch of american companies, a semi