Great britain will be represented in the ladies wimbledon quarterfinals. Johanna konta says shes just focusing on winning the match. She is delighted she has got this far. Hello, welcome to the programme. Were live until 11am. Cash jobs like Window Cleaning and decorating are said to be worth up to £6 billion a year, so we want to hear from you this morning if you get paid in cash of if youve paid forjobs in cash around you home. Do get in touch on all the stories were talking about this morning use the hashtag victorialive. And if you text, you will be charged at the Standard Network rate. Our top story today. Ending cash in hand jobs and changing the rules on the gig economy, where workers get paid per task, are two of the recommendations in a major report into the way we work. The Matthew Taylor review also says there are too many people who are being treated like Cogs In A Machine, rather than human beings. Our economics correspondent, andy verity, reports. In the last ten years,
sitting president dropping out of the race would have been the only headline, no semi-colons. whole books would have been written about the one sentence at the end of that speech. instead that becomes this interesting footnote, a thing that happened one day, in what was an absolutely wild election in 1968. four days after lbj dropped out martin luther king was assassinated, riots happened all over the country from kansas city to chicago to baltimore to d.c. two months after that the guy who was supposed to win the democratic primary bobby kennedy was assassinated in california. when the democratic convention rolled around that summer, the guy who ended up clinching the nomination had never been on the ballot during any of the state primaries. and while hubert humphrey was twisting arms at the convention to loung the nomination chicago police and the national troop national guard were outside using tear gas and batons against the protesters in the street. 1968 was madness. particularl
people and great governors, and you can control it better than the federal government because you are right on top of it. conservatives, especially republican governors, will love that line. they believe too much power, too much authority, too much regulatory enforce the semi-colons should be given back to them. some republicans worry if you pass a budget that gives them more power and shifts the money and the decisions to them, what happens next year? if the economy takes a bad turn or if the president decides i want to give that program less money? how important is this moment tomorrow night? well, it s important on so many different levels. it s important on the policy level, what you just outlined and what the future of health care is going to be, what the budget is going to look like, all of those things. i think it s something else that s really important about this, which is that, you know, he has not done what traditionally presidents do, which is sort of pivot from campaig
commas. i said before maybe we will change some semi colons and other grammatical errors and hopefully get this law off the books. one of the things that the george zimmerman case did was it started a larger conversation about race in america and there is a new poll that i found stunning. reuters. 40% of white americans say they don t have a nonwhite friend and as you ve talked with people around florida particularly but it s part of a larger conversation because i think there are more than 30 states with some version of stand your ground. what about support for the law? does it fall along racial lines? it s hard to say because it s almost like can you poll every single person of race and see kind of how they go? i think the people that do support stand your ground laws, they are very adamant about them. when i interviewed one of those house sponsors for the bill and he brought up the fact this law came about because a man was attacked in his rv following
people who will buy it before it goes public. high net worth retail investors, you know, relatively rich people who trade often. and then there s everybody else, the average joe retail investor. that s likely most of you out there. starting with ned i want to go one at a time. ned, good to see you, my friend. we ll talk later about whether one should or shouldn t buy this. what do you think a retail investor who gets on to their trading platform at 9:00 on friday will be likely to pay for facebook when it opens? you know, you said $90 a share, i said a 50% premium. this is one of those situations where it depends on how much stock is shorted by the way, craig, i want to congratulate you. this is incredible. you must be waiting for next friday. as a retail investor i wouldn t approach the stock on friday or the next monday, tuesday, or wednesday. i wouldn t go near it. would not go near it. so you think 50 bucks, somebody gets it for? a 50% premium? 50, 60, you re talk