government. and that is a perfect example of what former harvard professor and senator daniel patrick moynahan called semantic infiltration. the concept of semantic infiltration is to infiltrate your opposition with your language. it forces them to tell the lie that your language tells. a perfect example is, fox news. every time somebody says the words fox news, they are lying about what fox news does. that is a deliberate lie created by rupert murdoch when he created the fox republican propaganda channel had infiltrated the opposition to republican propaganda by forcing the opposition to call his propaganda channel fox news. the propaganda channel created by rupert murdoch is not now it never has been in the news business, which is why i don t use the name rupert murdoch gave to his propaganda channel.
house republicans voted unanimously to defund the internal revenue service in a way that would specifically target the capacity of the internal revenue service to investigate tax returns of the very richest people in america. republicans voted unanimously to make it easier for america s richest people to get away with tax crimes. and republicans have now voted unanimously to create what our first guest tonight calls the republican committee to obstruct justice. republicans are calling the committee which is structured as a subcommittee of the house judiciary committee, the, quote, select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. and that is a perfect example of what former harvard professor and senator daniel patrick moynahan called semantic infiltration.
semantic infiltration. most of the news media will make no effort at all to try to overcome the semantic infiltration that the republicans are using in the name of their new subcommittee, which, as i said, they are calling the select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. it is a subcommittee to investigate federal investigators. so today is the day that republicans made congressional history by creating a new investigative committee to launch investigations where congress has never watched investigations before, including ongoing criminal investigations by the justice department. that s right. for the first time in the history of the house, a
propaganda channel, you have successfully allowed rupert murdoch to infiltrate your own vocabulary, your own semantics. that is what daniel patrick moynahan meant by semantic infiltration. republicans are masters of semantic infiltration. they came up with the phrase pro-life to mean anti abortion. everyone is pro-life. but republicans seized possession of that phrase so that the news media would call only republicans pro-life, which most of the news media does, because the news media is highly susceptible to semantic infiltration. the news media is the target of semantic infiltration. most of the news media will make no effort at all to try to overcome the semantic infiltration that the republicans are using in the
every time you use the name the rupert murdoch gave his propaganda channel, you have successfully allowed rupert murdoch to infiltrate your own vocabulary, your own semantics. that is what daniel patrick moynahan meant by semantic infiltration. republicans are masters of semantic infiltration. they came up with the phrase pro-life to mean anti abortion. everyone is pro-life. but republicans seized possession of that phrase so that the news media would call only republicans pro-life, which most of the news media does, because the news media is highly susceptible to semantic infiltration. the news media is the target of