Increasingly this complex, global, integrated that oldfield or marketplace. Such is the nature of war and risk we have to understand better. Secondly, cyberspace. My good friend, general mike hayden has talked about the coming pearl harbor in cyberspace and i agree with him. Its going to happen and we are willfully bug prepared. The third area i was stressed is the growing demographic shift worldwide. For the first time as of last year more people live in cities and that trend is accelerating. If you like in societies like africa, what does that mean in terms of demographics or resources . These changes will accelerate and we need to be better prepared for the acrosstheboard. Those are three large general chunks we should focus on. Was focused a little tighter for a minute. You have been quoted as saying that there are very likely as many or more spies working against u. S. Interests inside the u. S. During the cold war, which was a head snapping quote when i read it. Who are these peo