KGTV: Girl Scouts Find New Ways To Sell Cookies
February 2, 2021
February 2, 2021
You won t see many Girl Scouts going door to door or posted up in front of grocery stores this year.
anywhere in manhattan where children need care. we have a shot of it outside. you can walk in and get a checkup so healthcare comes to you, right, bethany? healthcare comes to you. building the skinny girl brand is great and kind of having it all, as people say. but i want to be able to finally do something for others. i have to ask you, too, people say she got lucky, she did this, worked hard, found a niche in the marketplace and it worked. but you also tried selling cookies, right in. i tried selling cookies, i ve gotten a lot of nos in my life. most important thing in business is people will tell you know and you never assume anyone is smarter than you and you go for your own dreams. now it s skinny girl shape wear to skinny girl cleanse and things help women s lives be a little more easy. here s the thing. you do sort of have it all now because you did get married and