NBC News posted an op-ed Monday from a Purdue professor comparing Lia Thomas to Jackie Robinson, a take that didn't sit well with some fans of Jackie Robinson as well as women's sports.
Purdue professor Cheryl Cooky said that Lia Thomas victories should be highlighted as a historical first alongside Jackie Robison, who broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
It should not be controversial to say biological men who enjoy a significant physical advantage over women should not be allowed to compete against them in athletic events. But for a number of so-called conservatives, it is.
Male athletes who say they are “transgender” are still dominating and defeating female competitors, and now they are doing so with the tepid blessing of the cowering NCAA, but female athletes and now a U.S. senator are fighting to demand science-based rules and common-sense regulations.
Male athletes who say they are “transgender” are still dominating and defeating female competitors, and now they are doing so with the tepid blessing of the cowering NCAA, but female athletes and now a U.S. senator are fighting to demand science-based rules and common-sense regulations.