be a political loser. could that change their thinking? we ll have to find out in the weeks ahead. willie, when i talk to certain people in the republican base, they say everybody around me still likes trump. everybody is still supporting donald trump. there may be some washington senators saying one thing, but the question is at what point do the rank and file republicans get tired of losing all the time? i guess, i don t know, i mean, my mama always taught me to hate losing, to hate it, to loathe it. i can t do it. i am not confident enough to lose and be cool with that. right? driven by self-hatred since 1963, baby, when it comes to winning and losing. let s do therapy. no, i don t want to do therapy.
as nonbinary doesn t preclude his having hatred which may be self-hatred towards those in the lgbtq community. there are other who is say his membership in that group may at least make it more confusing for jurors and have prosecutors scratching their heads and thinking twice about whether they want to bring those additional charges beyond the murder and attempted murder charges that i think he s looking at thus far, jose. the da said formal charges for the suspect are likely to come at the next trial date. right now that s set for the 6th of december. is this a typical amount of time for these formal charges to be made? yes or no. this is an atypical crime. it s not every day that somebody walks into what should be a place of refuge for a community, the lgbtq community in colorado springs, and decides with a semiautomatic rifle and an additional weapon to just fire,
sort of identify whether he had some bias motivation, whether he identifies with a certain group and whether that identification may mitigate against any bias motivation. so, scott, as maura reported, it reveals the suspect is nonbinary. how do you juxtapose that revelation with the fear and danger felt within the lgbtq community? well, it is a rather odd development. i don t think necessarily that the perpetrator identifying as a member of the community that potentially could be the subject of a hate crimes prosecution is a defense. it certainly is possible. that someone from the community could be experiencing, you know, a high degree of self-loathing, self-hatred and has been spurned or in some way feels detached
In a new interview to mark the release of his latest album XV , the former drink and drug user also says that he thought he couldn t sing and looked like s t.