their disaster response is culturally sensitive. e we are working with experts soythat we are culturall sensitive to the needs of individuals on the island. we re doing everything that we n can. eight hundred and 50 people are missingz over, over 100 dead, the island scorched. but the biden team is bragging about their cultural sensitivity. does president joy. doe biden even know that hawaii isn t a colony? it s a 50th state. it s really affecting me because where e becauss the prer all right. we americans, too, like we re part oe pa of f the united stat. but why are we not?t why are we getting putin in th . back pocket? why are we being ignored? co and seer memorial the people they re laying outw e in courts and see how he feels . the president finally was dragged kicking andr td screaming to maui. today, he left his second vacation this mont