grape fruit-sized hail with it, very damaging hail. this thing looks awful. just looks terrible. we have got crews on it heading southbound right now, converging on that storm, but the important thing is if you are watching us, live in the cities near the red line track, you have got to think about going to your safe spot, you may have to go below ground or get out of its way. let s show you the warnings now. say that again. debris yeah, debris ball, looks like a debris ball arting to form now, talking about chickasha, oklahoma county, logan county, southeastern king fisher county, eastern canadian county, tornado warnings, grady county, tornado warnings. there are three storms here, the one coming toward gut rib, the one coming toward yukon and the one coming toward chickasha in the next five to ten minutes. let s go back who do we have here? go jim gardner is bouncing down here. we have david? david are you with us? i m here. go, david. what do you got? i m i can t tell
middleburg, blanchard, bridge creek f you have a safe room next door, you got to call them and get ready to go there you may have to get out of its way. this storm is ramping up and it is very large and it is very well organized and it has a very large updraft rotating meso cyclone in it, right into economic chickash chickasha. southwest oklahoma city, could go midwest city, dell city, right now, exactly where the may 3rd tornado supercell was moving northeast. this is moving differently in direction but moving fast. we are taking that same corridor here. it is moving 40, 45 miles an hour, these are booking along that may become a serious storm in the state hereรง any minute now. you are watching news channel 4 here at 5:00, it is 3 after 5. continuing coverage of news channel 4 at 5:00.