Singer/songwriter Joe George debuted in 2018 with his album Beautiful Dreams and followed in 2022 with his sophomore effort, Golden Afternoon, both of which saw the songwriter and composer evoking nostalgic, sun-dappled styles of indie and folk.
okay, good. something in your head with every bounce seems like it s going wrong. the building slopes anyway. slopes out. so that s anxiety. that s not the rope. rightfully justified here. rick, i want to ask you, the building is 350 feet high. 22 stories. we re look at it on screen right. we can see where you are in this descent. approximately how many stories do you think you ve got to go? since i haven t looked backward down, i think you might have a better idea. i would say you re down about nine or ten storyies. that s all? where would you rather be now, rick? on the beach somewhere.h. i m seeing brave, brave rappeling. that s because the building