The House IP Subcommittee’s “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: Part I Interoperability of AI and Copyright Law” hearing has two former General Counsels of the US.
On May 18, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its 43-page majority opinion in the case of Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, No. 21-869, 598 U.S. .
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On April 5, 2021, in a highly anticipated decision concerning a
copyright clash over Java SE application-programming interfaces
(APIs), the Supreme Court ruled in a 6–2 decision that
Google s use of 11,500 lines of declaring Java code constituted fair use because Google used only the amount of code
necessary to transform the work into a highly creative and
innovative tool for a smartphone environment in this
case, the Android mobile operating system.
See Google LLC
v. Oracle America, Inc., No. 18-956.
This decision comes in the wake of almost eleven years of