wage boosting welfare and reversing a tax cuts on the rich the markets well at the time they screamed in panic but these days fortunately has been growing every quarter since late twenty fifteen and your policies are also combined with a couple of nice little earnest for the sunny country tourism and wine. business is good for evil al gore sed he produces portuguese wine on his vineyard outside lisbon he has thirty employees and is looking to expand the beginning there were only this part and then have to upgrade it to increase the capacity then we buy those we will double the capacity we put in the equipment just side by side because we are in the maximum capacity of production and we have more demand then the main driver more than twenty million people spent their holidays in the country in two thousand and seventeen the government has bolstered the sector by reducing b a t for hotels and restaurants. a country s ruling leftists also put an end to most
shprighten tht jus he onam t polhay bye onus w eounthterro smjun tololics. an bit sn nt nroust antamoic bay.an s isow noing mt itarta y. sibuns. ise coinuing marendion. heonti ingun iscouiarraless diwire.ps. e theay tti whog lib situraion ss part of re. embcing he thoib sh stureedn ar afnda the mb ngddleast. wh s gng o sed he, aa heill? le it onet.hing ndwh o g ohing h l?alon itpresneent ngama s nochan od ng his ideogic on trip . est wea aw tnoanrue o ma ishedeic ipfirs two ars ween t ts gu had eree o i han obam carerso mass ve tgu sd ndinean unpr edenamd dere andas sin defit. re lati s anprgoveenmentdend taover his efnds .t ti i retianovemver. nt heeeds to wtaer s s ti ieme-el tion he dsallo w o ts tel doncing lall the brang o o bh ts t pociessade dng t al ealheora o bindenden becse c heotpoes ewin r aeleclon wohout deenec c tem. n r becl: o wy. ut sohe say t m mona, ts b o so isay a mon k tss policallay tis get a elecd anyo kay? olal y m t singet tt. no h i ec doian wt s? est s