Editorial Disclaimer: While the Maroon-News confirmed the identity of the accused student through video acquired from the scene, we have not included it in the story. Our omission is not intended to shield the suspect from the potential implications of their actions. Rather, we do not feel identifying the student by name serves a compelling.
We took down a network run by people in Russia and Ukraine targeting Ukraine for violating our policy against coordinated inauthentic behavior. They ran websites posing as independent. | February 28, 2022
bp is concerned. gregg: rig workers died on the deep water horizon platform. and what safety procedures are in place to protect employees on board these kinds of rigs? adam housely brings us a first hand look on board a platform, off of the louisiana coastline. reporter: a rig, 303 here, 40 miles or so off the coast of louisiana. they do prospecting and that there are 45 men on the rig and as you go through the rig there are safety aspect, security reminders everywhere including shut off involves, wherever you go up and down a set of stairs and if something happened and if there was an accident people could hit the valves and shut down operations on the rig and they come over here to life boat number 2, 28 people can fit inside, there is water, food, life vests and has its own motor and sprinkler system inside in case there is a fire and you can bet people are talking about safety and security though it only happens in extreme situations. we have drills, constantly out here, we h
we know a lot of people are working hard around the clock. thank you very much for bringing us the update. we are getting a look at what life is like on one of those oil rigs. adam talks about safety issues, procedures and all the hassles that come with offshore drilling. prospect forking for marlin energy. there are 4r5 men on the rig. as you go through, there are safety aspects, security reminders everywhere including shutoff valves whenever you go up and down a set of stairs. people could shut down the operations on the rig. this is lifeboat number two. 38 team can fit inside. there is water and food and life vests and has its own motor and own sprinkler system inside in case there is a fire. we have drills con standly out here. we have evacuation drills every