A knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed and wounded two Israeli officers in Jerusalem's annexed Old City on Monday before being shot dead by forces at the site, Israeli police said."A terrorist arrived at the Cotton Merchant's Gate in Jerusalem's Old City from the Temple Mount armed with a knife and stabbed two officers," a police statement said."In response, the officers fired at him and he was neutralised."It was the second incident of its kind in two days.
A knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed and wounded two Israeli officers in Jerusalem's annexed Old City on Monday before being shot dead by forces at the site, Israeli police said.
A knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed and wounded two Israeli officers in Jerusalem's annexed Old City on Monday before being shot dead by forces at the site, Israeli police said."A terrorist arrived at the Cotton Merchant's Gate in Jerusalem's Old City from the Temple Mount armed with a knife and stabbed two officers," a police statement said."In response, the officers fired at him and he was neutralised."It was the second incident of its kind in two days.
Turning Israeli army pensions into a divisive political issue could even lead to a new social protest ■ Who's in charge of stopping violent settlers, the army or the police?