executive authority, and he gett to make foreign policy. congress gets to legislate and congress doesn t get to remove the president unless specific constitutional criteria in that. laura: i think we should have a rap-off like citing federalist papers and go back and forth and continuing education credit for both of you. it s really fun. joe biden has had a bit of anev evolution in his own thinking on impeachment. this is what he sounded like today when pressed. this isn t a democratic issue or republican issue. it is a national issue. it is a security issue.em it is time for this administration to stop stonewalling and provide the congress with all the facts it needs. including a copy of the formal complaint made by the whistle-blower. laura: well, this is what he said back in 1998. the american people don t think that they have made a mistake by electing bill clinton. and we in congress better be very careful before we upset their decision and make darn