good for him in terms of his world of exxon? would he be able to put that aside and do what was right for the united states? much of donald trump s world view is transactional. it s about trade deals, it s about, well, this deal isn t good, it s about rethinking the nato relationships and the parameters, and that would seem to lend itself to a former ceo type, who is looking at things as transactions. exactly. and this is a very competent ceo who, one has to say, again, has all the information, all the knowledge, all the background. but take the deal the transaction with russia. what we are trying to do, what the united states has been trying to do for 30 years in eastern europe, for 75 years in europe, is provide basic stability and security. if you make a deal with russia and it makes the poles insecure, it makes all of eastern europe insecure. it creates a new security dynamic in europe.
i mean, the church troop surge is finally there. the clock is ticking. three months until this review. what should people expect? i think he comes away from this trip rather encouraged. he was down south. we were in kandahar city proper and district southwest of there and the troops he met with in both locations really feel as though the strategy is working where he is applying it. we have forces going into a neighborhood of kandahar city that not even the soviets were able to get into. they feel as though there is something afoot within kandahar city proper in terms of the mood that s changing. people are seeing how serious and committed we are in changing the security dynamic down there. he comes away encouraged. we ve only had the surge forces at full stroent for a week. three or four months before this evaluation takes place. he s not ready to pronounce the strategy working definitively but he is encouraged by what